
Mableton Fest (Time Change)

Wine Tasting 7pm Saturday, May 1st Our Place Bakery Cafe

Greetings nefTUNES people's (still haven't figured out anything clever to call y'all, any suggestions?),

iiAm writing to inform those of you who are planning to attend the Mableton Community Day Festival at Big K-Mart in Mableton, Ga on Saturday, May 1st.

The time of my performance has been CHANGED to 1:00pm...it's all good. it will give me more time to get from Mableton to College Park for the Wine Tasting later on that evening at Our Place Bakery Cafe.

iiM on if you need me. Email is a pretty good way to reach me for directions, details, etc. nefertitiandtheneftunes@gmail.com

Check out the "My Peace" video below for a little pre-show inspiration.

iiHope to see yall this weekend and we a'gwan have a blayzin time!

So, iiM doing two different performances on saturday. That's two chances to catch Nefertiti and the nefTUNES!

The first is going to be at Mableton Community Day Festival at the Big K-Mart in Mableton, Ga. 5590 Mableton Pkwy. More information in the previous post and at http://www.pebblebrookjr.org/community.html.

The second is going to be a Wine Tasting in College Park, Ga. Our Place Bakery Cafe 3387 Main St. College Park, Ga.
There is more information in the previous post and the on the flyer up top!

See you this weekend...if you got kids, iiSuggest the Festival. Fun and games etc. If you a dranka, well, iiM sure iiDon't have to tell you to be at the wine tasting...have some inspiration with you spirits.



Upcoming Shows


Upcoming Shows:

May 1st:

Mableton Community Day Festival

Big K-Mart: Mableton, Ga
5590 Mableton Pkwy SE
Mableton, Ga 30126

The festival is from 10am-6pm
No cost. All ages.
Nefertiti and the nefTUNES is scheduled to perform at 5pm.

May 1st:

Wine Tasting

Our Place Bakery & Cafe
3387 Main Street
College Park, Ga 30337

Begins At 7pm
$10 Admission
Nefertiti and the nefTUNES will open the stage.

May 8th:

Sweet Auburn Festival

Auburn Avenue, Downtown Atlanta
Just For Women Stage (Stage Map)
In front of the Apex Museum
between Piedmont Ave and Courtland Ave

No cost. All ages.
Nefertiti and the nefTUNES is on-stage at 5:25 pm


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'Tween the last time we talked and now, Nefertiti and the nefTUNES was honored to be featured on two blogs:
Lyrical Venus and UnknownCelebrityPR.
It was really interesting to see how people who had no real reason to like me or my music reacted to the sound. It was positive. Wanna hear it? Here it goes...


Lyrical Venus

A few weeks ago nefTUNES was featured on a blog and radio show in Fairfield, IA. The beautiful Heather Miller-Rodriguez produces this combination blog/podcast/radio show. According to Heather, Lyrical Venus is

"This blog is where I write about the female singer-songwriters I feature on the radio show, and about other female singer-songwriters I meet or discover on the web. There is SO much great music out there that deserves a wider audience and Lyrical Venus is my way of promoting the music that inspires me."

And a wider audience it is...Heather even had some nice things to say about the nefTUNES:

"Nefertiti is a highly passionate, soulful and creative individual who is completely true to herself...I have a feeling Acoustic Gangsterism is going to end up having a few babies of it’s own."

Read more...Get lost in the music with nefTUNES and Lyrical Venus and make comments. Save the link because Heather is posting a podcast of the show so wii can listen to it online. Pretty Sweet.


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New E-Zine

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'Where in the world is Nefertiti and the nefTUNES?'.

Coming Soon: Song Samples and Behind the Scenes Action!


Oh yea, iiAlso wanted to share this cool picture...



Nefertiti and the nefTUNES E-Zine

Email List Management by Ezine Director



Fantasia Swagg on A Hundred Thousand Trillion!

As iiWas browsing through blogs and videos online and whatnot, in the wee hours of the morning, iiCame across this little jewel and iiThought iiD share.

Her name is Kimberly Nichole and she reminds me of Fantasia, but untainted by the Hollywood. You can tell from her performance of a cover of Gnarls Barkley's "Crazy" that her stage persona is influenced by not only Fantasia, but James Brown. Old girl even gets down and rolls on the ground some. Talk about entertainment!

Not to mention her voice is just beautiful, and the interpretation of the song is masterful.

iiDon't know anything about this girl, but here is a link to her homepage. Check her out, and if it moves you, Buy the music if she has some for sale.

Nevermind all my talking, take a look and listen at Kimberly Nichole...