
Twitters Twit : Why I Can't Live Without My Radio

when iiWas little, and iiGot in trouble, they would take away my radio. 
worst childhood punishment ever to a future self-proclaimed singer/songwriter, looking back on it.
iiWoke up to Ryan Cameron (and eventually Frank Ski & Wanda Smith) and went to sleep to Joyce Lattel...via the music they played and their voices traveling to me via the airwaves...

The only reason iiDidn't hear all the other personalities was because iiWas at school. 
There iiD play the music iiHeard on the radio with the school band...and, of course, crack a book or three, take some notes, you know, school stuff. (SWD rocks the house, btw).

iiWas too young to even know LL Cool J lyrics from back in the day. This song came out before iiWas born. 
Even at that age, "iiKnow iiCan't live without my radio..."

shoutout the musicians n' music lovaz who feel the same...about ur ipod nowadayz...