I recently had a young woman that i had just met tell me that I was old and I looked like i #dunndunnitall, and I thought about this.
And I said to myself, first, and then to the young woman, 'You know what? You're right.' and that was when i really began to reflect on my life's experience.
strange as it is, it really has covered a lot of ground for me.
I wouldn't say I could handle just anything, but i would say, at this point, it would take a whoooole lot to shock me. #shockG
Never dabble in the darkness with someone who lives there, it's a slow dance to death with the devil. Few have made it out alive. None will see that the outcome of the deal you signed, sealed in time while you dined and sipped fine wine was a lie. I won't say you're the devil. I'm not here to judge you, but I will say that you are a liar. i will also say that 'they' say 'the devil is a liar'. So, that's what will say.
the next 10 persons to like this page *tonight* get 3 (count 'em, 3!) musical downloads of your or my choice. if you want to choose, send me a message on the Nefertiti aka nefTUNES i'll send you to a page where you can hear all the songs available and send your choices back to me. i send you the codes and #boom. #yougotnefTUNES. #instructionsincluded
Tempted to remind this brother and his girlfriend that the library policy is two patrons per computer. If he moves any closer to her, he's going impregnate and #babymakesthree. — at Dekalb County Public Library.
ingredients in a straw-ber-rita: alcohol and red. that is all.
some people get intimidated when you show them what they could be if they would be just a little more better by being just a little more better yourself. What they don't know (or don't show) is what it takes to be that. They don't know your life, son/daughter. They don't know why there's so much pep in your stride, especially when they've tried and tried to lie and change the story up at the last minute to make it seem like 'it's just business'. #funnythingis If they was handlin' it, then we wouldn't be in a predicament such as this is. #hollaifyahearme #rantandramble
This movie is about the creation and destruction of napster. extremely dope in how it captures the true influence of the world's first decentralized file sharing system. it basically changed the world. it changed the world right at the turn of the century.