As you may or may not know, I do a lot of research on the music industry. It really gives me an edge when I'm looking to grow my brand or expand my marketing skills. There are many resources out there, and I use a lot of them. Here's one of my favorites. I hope it starts you on the very fulfilling path to music business know-how.
It's called Music Industry How To and it's all about being your guide to the music industry.
One of my favorite posts was this one called "Revealed: Why Gaining Fame and Making Money Require Different Strategies". It really opened my eyes to the fact that, for the majority of my music career, my focus had been on gaining fame, yet I wondered why I'd find myself with a substantial amount of moral support and an astounding lack of financial stability.
Visit the site. There are lots of links and articles that will lead you to more music industry knowledge, if you are willing to take the advice given.