This morning iiFelt a very strong urge to hear two Curtis Mayfield songs at the same time...
While we're on the subject of the man, Curtis Mayfield, let me say that his music is one of the strongest and truest inspirations for my making music with something real to say. Also, a million Beyonces could not match the beauty of his soul.
Now that we got that out the way...
This morning iiWanted to hear two songs from Curtis Mayfield very much and very much at the same time. iiPosted the thought to my facebook fanpage,
"2 Curtis Mayfield songs iiNeeds to be hearing right now, and at the same time: Love To The People & Right On For the Darkness...right now and simultaneously...."
After doing so, iiThinks to myself, "Self, why are you needing something that you already have?". Then iiSaid to myself, iiSay "Self, iiDon't even know." That's when iiOpened up the iTunes to Curtis Mayfield and let it rip with "Love To The People". The bass and brass are so heavy on this cut. Please take a listen whether you think you know the song or not, cuz it's like that, son/daughter.
At that point, iiRealized iiHave only one music player out of which to play music, which would be an obstacle toward achieving the original goal of simultaneous song play...what to do?
The Youtube! It's my favorite station. It's so full of entertainment and information that seems to wave on for hours and hours without end...iiLove it!
So iiGets to searchin on youtube to find the song, and it's there (of course it's there, everything is on youtube*), and iiM playing it, which led to this post on my fanpage:
"Found out a way to do it...gotta love my favorite channel...youtube..."
As this is happening, as the music is enveloping me in a whirlwind of sound and sonic vibration (is that redundant?), iiHave this epiphany, this thought, this major moving in my soul that drives me to the title of this blog post:
"This is like DP with music"
It really was, and don't judge me for my relationship with music! It's just that, well...
But, wait, it gets worse....
Going with the wave of that feeling, iiHad this even more offbeat thought...
"When it hits, you feel no pain"
iiM ashamed at how much iiM laughing on the inside...and you should be too...
iiWasn't sure it was a good idea, so, before iiPosted either of those thoughts, iiPosted this instead:
"ok...iiAlmost took it too far just now...this is why iiNeed friends...cuz iiDon't know when to stop..."
What makes matters worse is that after a few seconds of debating with myself about whether or not to post these remarks on my page, iiReads this inspirational bullshit on twitter:
"You have to risk going too far to discover just how far you can really go."
And off iiGo talkin about DP on a public website...
Soon after iiHad posted my innermost feelings for the world to see, iiJust had a feeling that something about that wasn't right. iiMean, iiHad already gotten backlash about the 'mama bring me a blunt' comment. Do iiReally want to do this? iiDecided iiDidn't, so iiRetracted (deleted) the comment.
iiHad to remember that there are children who follow me on facebook, children (and some grown folks) who are members of my family and community, children whom iiDon't want going to their parents asking, "Mommy, what's DP?" and Mommy saying, "Where did you hear that?" and the baby saying, "From nefTUNES."

It's not a good look...
iiDon't know what made me think such perverted thoughts(lies). iiDon't even imagine that DP is a generally enjoyable experience, unless, that is, as iiAm now able to testify, it involves music. iiWonder how many times iiCan get away with saying DP in a blog about DP. Either way iiDiscovered 'how far iiCould really go'...and quick. DP.
For those of you who don't know what DP is, continue to live your life as you have lived it thus far, throughout the duration of your existence on this earth. If you do know what DP is, well, iiCan't make life any worse for you, as you could already have that image burned into your brain for the rest of all eternity. And you nasty...not that there's anything wrong with that. Hell, maybe you like it...and iiLike you, so what you like, iiLike...for you.
iiHope you enjoyed the story of the post that never was or, rather, the post that was for a few seconds, and was then removed under better judgement, and that you learned a lesson:
There's a time and a place (and a reason) for everything.DP.
iiMean, if it wasn't for DP, iiWould have never had the inspiration to write this blogpost that you're reading right now!
Flip it...
That's how iiLike my music...
*Correction, everything is NOT on youtube...iiCouldn't find the "Love To The People" video on there...
the beauty of youtube is that if iiDon't see it there iiCan upload it myself w/ one picture on the screen...a picture of Curtis Mayfield wearing an apple cap and some tint shades (insert Young Jeezy adlib here)!