
The Sweet Taste of Sweet Auburn Festival

Say ahhh...

Yesterday, iiWas honored to perform in Atlanta's Sweet Auburn Festival. For those of you who don't know about the Sweet Auburn Fest, it's Atlanta's biggest festival on Aurburn Ave, a historical district in Atlanta, Ga.

iiWent through the audition process in December, and, thankfully, was accepted to perform in the Festival on the Just For Women Stage. It seemed fitting, as iiM a woman and all.

Here's what Sweet Auburn Fest Entertainment Coordinator, Charlotte Cain Had to say about the audition:

Neferititi and the Neftunes showed up for the last Audition of 2009 in December and took us all by surprised and wonder.

We thought...is she a solo act or a group? You'll have to find out when you see her perform at Sweet Auburn Springfest 2010!

Neferititi and the Neftunes are leading the way for talent of the future.

-Charlotte Cain, Sweet Auburn A&E Network

When iiFinally got on stage and was able to look out over Auburn Ave covered with thousands of people moving peacefully through the city, iiFelt compelled to give thanks and just observe the fact that only four years before had iiFound my true voice and the ability to reflect that voice to the world.

Just one year before, as iiWas navigating my way to the same Sweet Auburn Festival to busk (play on the streets) for a couple of dollars, iiAccidentally turned down a one-way street. Any chance the police aren't around? No. iiWas pulled over and informed that my tag was out of date and they had to impound my car or some bullshit. Thankfully, by the blessings of the Creator manifest in me that day, police were able to find out that my tags, in fact, were good, and iiWas allowed to go home, in my car.

So, just a year ago, iiThought no more of myself than being a busker on the street playing for pennies. Not that there is anything wrong with that, but obviously something within me knew that it was not my truth, and would not allow it to transpire.

This year, iiWas on-stage playing for an audience of thousands. Playing for an audience that iiWas ready to receive and one who was able to receive me. iiBelittled my capabilities in the past, trying to find a shortcut on a one way street. Imprisoning myself within and, damn near, doing so without, only to free myself in the best way possible in a year's time! Patience, daughter...

Expressing myself onstage is a gift that iiM going to share with whomever is ready to receive. As long as iiKeep doing it, iiM winning. Winning within myself. There are roadblocks, self-imposed, and with good reason. To show us what we're really capable of. So we can prove to ourselves how capable we are of overcoming challenges.

iiWish iiHad some pics to put up, iiWill soon, but iiJust wanted to share them tidbits....