Nefertiti. At first recognition of a name like that, one expects greatness. The artist, also known as NefTUNES, certainly provides the greatness that one hungers for from the first glance. The music of Acoustic Gangsterism is not the typical packaged and reformed sound. Nefertiti reminds me of George Clinton’s granddaughter, fused with Tracy Chapman, suddenly conceived in the present. Her folksy vibrato might cause the trained ear to doubt her abilities, but it alludes to her charm and helps to unearth her purpose in presenting you realness. You can hear the earnest and honest effort in her lyrics as she conveys a spirit wanting to share the depths of everyday life as well as the practical struggle that one addresses when coming up, or down, from a conceptual high.
Conveying everything from the simplicities of getting “blunted out” to the complexities of family members impact on her life, Nefertiti tells many a story in the fashion of a quilt. In an open-to-the-artist format, the “users” or audience of the quilt are the ones who have to decide if she provides them any warmth. She may be exactly what you need on a wintry night or something that could produce heatstroke in summer. This artist gives me the sense that even if her music doesn’t immediately touch you, the air of independence and determination she gives off still has to be respected.
The plethora of this Strong Pack speaks to the possibility of any budding artist. She provided a sound that was eclectic and unified simultaneously, though I wondered if the overall effort could be even tighter knit with different tools. Sometimes the voice overruled the purity of the track, causing me to be a little distracted as to which my ear would give preference to, though I gave the package an extra listen to appreciate each aspect.
The Strong Pack produced by NefTUNES left me to wonder where the continuation of this musical journey will lead her. Though it is music, it can also be viewed as a social experiment. Nefertiti offers an experience that is liable to connect with some and baffle others as we all collectively wonder outcomes; audiences might possibly shy away from preconceived notions and sink their teeth into melodies of intensity and lyrical venture. Just as the story has not been told and Nefertiti is constantly seeing her life unfold, I too shall be drawn to observing the ride.

Follow Adria on twitter @AdgeofImpulse.