
My Peace - Mashup Video

iiDecided to play around with some video editing with three of my favorite movies: Dead Presidents, Sankofa, and Set It Off, as well as the video clip that inspired me to do the video in the first place.

My friend and fellow artist, Justa Sol shared, this video of a man protesting at a sporting event and being apprehended and brutalized by police officers, and the events that followed demonstrate a version of peace that iiThink is powerful.

iiJust happened to be listening to "My Peace" while iiWas watching this video...the experience moved me, so iiWanted to share that moment with you.

iiAlso wanted to include images and videos of people who stopped taking life the way it was and decided to take control of the situation.

There are some particularly powerful scenes in all of these movies and iiEncourage you to watch them if you haven't seen them, and to rewatch them if you have.

Majorly inspirational.

Some would say this is a violent video to go along with a song about peace. iiWould say then, that they have not taken the time to listen to the lyrics.

"My Peace" is not about peace, nor is it about violence.

It is a song about the moment when you can't take it anymore and the inspirational rise from within to demand a basic human right of which we have all been deprived for far too long.

And it seems to come at a price, this peace...

iiM not telling you to do what the people in these movies did, but iiThink we can all learn and be inspired by what it takes to have a personal revolution.

iiPresent to You...My Peace...