iiReally enjoyed myself as this wasn't your average open mic. They had three bonafide judges working in the music industry who were there critiquing a-la American Idol...
Also iiWas happy to finally meet the homey Skim...
Skim Skima showed up to do her thing...She was named the Winner! If you love my music, You will love Skim's Music! Take it from me. Buy this Album! And iiThink you trust my musical judgement at this point...
iiBet some of you were still wondering who and what Skim was...well Skim is the shit and that's about it...
iiPerformed a song called "A Champion"...and posted the video of it one post back, so be sure to check that out and comment on it so iiKnow what ya thanks!
Thanks to all those who came out to support, My mama first, Erika, Julian, Seneca, Nicole, Mumbe, Elaine, Fekir, Dodo was showin love, Octavia was showin love, IVI was showin love...AC Atlanta was showin Love...errbody was showing love and it shows on our faces!
iiMust be steppin my game up...Enjoy the vid and the pics...U've just been nefTUNED.