They say life is about finding your niche and sticking with it....so the saying goes...
Tonight @ 10pm you can catch Nefertiti and the nefTUNES on The HomoBi radio show.
The Homobi is an LGBTQ-IA focused radio show, blog, and community who's mission is to bring awareness of LGBTQ-IA issues into the broader community perspective.
iiWas trolling through blogtalkradio and found out about a show called The Homobi. iiFound out later that there was also a blog to go with it. Sweet.
iiFriended them on Facebook, Twitter, and followed their blog.
No more than about a week later, the host, Decoi Jones was putting out a call for artists, singers, songwriters, etc to be featured on her show. That's me!
iiContacted her telling her what type of music iiMake and why iiThink her audience would appreciate the music. Thankfully, she got back to me and were able to connect, now iiM getting love on the internet!
Be sure to tune in tonight to http://www.blogtalkradio.com/homobi to listen or talk with me or Decoi, or call in to listen or talk @ (347) 994-3233.
The topic is "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" and deals with US military policies (hopefully she won't be asking me nothing like that.
The chat room and the phone lines will be open for the entire 1-hour duration of the show. And anyone who wants a shoutout on the radio can leave me a comment here or on my facebook page....
Listen in...
(347) 994-3233