If you remember from "How to Get Your Music Reviewed Pt. 1: @GettinMadPressCoverage", iiTalked about a community radio show and blog that iiWas blessed to be a part of.
The show and blog are called Lyrical Venus: A Focus on Female Singer/Songwriters.
iiAlso Mentioned that she would be adding a podcast of the interview soon, and that time is now.
iiAm really honored by the words she used to introduce her audience to me and iiHad a really good time talking to her because she seemed to be really in tune to what artists think about.
She said that the key to getting bloggers and hosts to listen to your music and to appreciate it for what it is, is to remember that there will be a person on the other end of that email, letter, or whatever. Keep that in mind. Write to the person, not the company.
Also, as we said in Pt. 2, find your niche and work it. Don't send Hip-Hop to a Rock columnist. No matter how much they may personally like your music, their audience would find it detestable, and their first loyalty is to their audience, not to yours.
You can listen to my April 13th interview with Heather Miller on Lyrical Venus here:
"Mainframe is calling my name
I can't get out, I'm the one to blame
There's no way out once you're in the flame
We must get out before it's too late
~ Mainframe, Nefertiti & the nefTUNES
When Nefertiti wrote an email of introduction, she described her music as "Acoustic Gangsterism" and went on to explain that the style "is a mix of reggae, hip-hop, folk, rock, soul, and blues. The music comes out sounding like Kanye West and Jill Scott's love child had a love child with Lauryn Hill and Lil' Wayne's love child, all grown-up." Needless to say, I was intrigued and had to find out more.
I can guarantee there hasn't been an artist like this on Lyrical Venus yet! Tune in to meet this soulful, creative and independent spirit."
On to the next one...
My next radio interview is tonight on "Club Meeshee".
iiAm going to be talking about this blog, my website www.nefertitiandtheneftunes.com that just launched, poetry books, and upcoming performances @ MondoHomo and Juneteenth Live...and, oh yeah, my CD, Jam Session Audiobytes that's out now too.
Consider this an appetizer...
The show starts at 8pm, and, as with all blogtalk podcasts, the show will be available for listening or download directly after it ends.
To listen, log on to Club Meeshee or call-in (347) 539-5872 at 8pm to listen to the broadcast or get on the air yourself.
iiAm taking requests for shoutouts, so let me know if you want to hear your name on the radio.